Contact Us

PPPM Centre

Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine Centre

Contact Us: Location, Contact, and FAQs

How to Find Us

Slovakia is a landlocked country in Central Europe, surrounded by Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, and Ukraine. Slide pointer over map to focuse on Slovakia.
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GPS Coordinates for car navigation: N 49.080072, E 19.298374
Postal Address:

PPPM Centre, s.r.o.
Jána Páričku 5
034 01 Ružomberok
Contact Email:

Email: contact@pppmc.sk
Bank Connection:
IBAN SK85 1100 0000 0029 4706 0152
Business ID: 51 871 505
Tax ID: 2120 818 799

Freguently Asked Questions

  • How do I get to your place in Slovakia?
    It depends on where you are from. In general, from distances over 800 km from Ružomberok, we can recommend taking a flight to Slovakia’s capital Bratislava (260 km from Ružomberok) or to the nearest international airport to Bratislava which is Vienna International Airport in Austria, only 60 km from Bratislava. As an alternative. At any of these airports we will pick you up and transfer comfortably to the hotel of your choice at our area, and, of course, we’ll take you back to the airport on the day of your leave.
    Ask your local travel agencies for the best connections and prices. Keep in mind that the whole service is based on the “5-6” days cycle, starting on Monday. Although there are airports in Budapest, Hungary (265 km), Krakow, Poland (280 km), and Prague, Czech Rep. (500 km), we suggest Bratislava and Vienna as the most convenient for transfer to Ružomberok. For travelling by car, please see our address and the map given in the section here.
  • How much would I pay for the health assessment and predictive report you describe here?
    The price depends on the particular examinations that would be recommended on the basis of the data you provide in the initial questionnaire. In general, standard assessment without very special examinations costs approx. 1500-2500 € (VAT included). For the price list see also the section Services.
  • Can I pay in cash at your center?
    Basically, you cannot pay cash for the core services. We require payment via bank transfer to our bank account. For some items (e.g. books, souvenirs, devices, other services) that are offered at the Centre you can, of course, pay cash.
  • Does the price include accommodation and food?
    No, it does not. The price of the accommodation and food depends on your preferences. If you prefer staying at the luxurious 4* wellness hotel, the price will be, of course, higher than the price at the standard accommodation facility. Nonetheless, you don’t need to worry at all. The hotels in the area are of very good quality at favorable prices, usually ranging from 25 € to 130 € per room per night. We have very good information about the hotels and hands-on experience so that, if you wish, we can assist you with choosing the accommodation that fits the best to your personal preferences. For the subset of the recommended hotels see our section Client Zone here. Analogically, the same holds for the food prices in restaurants, usually you will pay approx. 10-13 € per person having a soup, main course, a drink and a dessert in a standard restaurant. For the subset of the recommended restaurants see our section Client Zone.
  • Can I pay in USD?
    No, the official currency in Slovakia, as the member of EURO zone, is euro (€). You can exchange your USD for EUR at the bank or use a numerous cash machines at your convenience. Check for the current exchange rate at any of your local bank.
  • Can I come at any time to your center?
    Due to the need of careful planning and time management the core services are offered on the basis of the agreed personal plan of the stay, signed contract and payment of the invoiced amount. So that, basically, you can come at any time but we cannot guarantee that you will be served.
  • How much time does it take to receive the results about my health?
    The whole process lasts approximately 2.5 days, taking into consideration that all acquired data about your health are consulted tele-medically with the world leading experts in PPPM and other fields. That is actually the reason why we offer the packages for the clients to spend their time here with the activities of their choice, preferably related to health support, education, sport, culture, beauty, etc. For details see our section Packages.
  • Do you offer you services in any other country?
    No. This is the unique pilot project initiated by EPMA who suggested Slovakia as a country that is suitable for harboring an international PPPM Centre. If, however, as time passes, the practical application of PPPM will be successful in Slovakia a network of PPPM centres will be created around the world.
  • Is your service suitable for kids?
    For the time being our answer is “No”, at this stage of development we do not recommend this service for kids under legal age of 18 years. Usually, kids do not like taking blood by vein puncture, nor they like being examined or tested by a medical staff in general. On the other hand, from the point of view of the early prediction and PPPM, undoubtedly it would be beneficial if a kid passes a series of PPPM dedicated examinations which might potentially discover early stage of a particular pathology which may be prevented at this age by early preventive and/or therapeutic measures in comparison with the same situation, say, 10 years later. So that, at this moment, should the parents fear about the kid’s health, we recommend the visit of a specialized medical professional who may consult particular predictions with our experts.
  • Who is your primary client, healthy person or a an ill person seeking medical help?
    As we have explained, in principle, the PPPM is oriented on health and early predictions, so basically our primary client would be an apparently healthy person but this does not exclude predictions also in a patient suffering of a particular disease or in a person with a suboptimal health status. There is nice series of books authored by EPMA expert, dedicated to prediction, prevention and personalized attitude in particular diseases. For more details see the link here.
  • I feel healthy, have no problems but what if you find I am not?
    That may indeed happen and in such a case we shall recommend you to visit particular medical experts either in our cluster of co-operating experts or experts in your country of origin. In any case, you will receive the clear explanation of our findings and be given also particular recommendations, depending on the severity of the problem.
  • Is your service covered by health insurance? Do I really have to pay?
    No, it is not covered by health insurance for , in principle, the health insurance covers the situations when a person gets ill (disease-oriented healthcare). It is your voluntary decision to use our service for which you are charged and receive the valuable information about your health and information about particular preventive measures tailored to you on the basis of the data provided and the results of the medical examinations.
  • What test do you perform to assess my health?
    The test are done in several fields of laboratory medicine such as clinical biochemistry, hematology, microbiology, immunology, genetics, molecular biology, where your blood, urine, saliva, breath, and other materials are analyzed, then the medical examinations and measurements such as blood pressure, ECG, USG, MRI, RTG, densitometry, spirometry, dental examination, analyzing of your personal profile data, living habits, food analysis, environment analysis, and other.
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