Introduction of PPPM

PPPM Centre

Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine Centre

PPPM: Introduction and Philosophy of PPPM

      Since the year 2008, a new, comprehensive and well defined concept of predictive, preventive and personalized medicine (PPPM) is gradually emerging as a medicine of the 21st century and is accepted as a meaningful direction and philosophy which can positively change the current unsustainable healthcare systems in the vast majority of countries. Potential of current technologies and the scientific achievements is, unfortunately, far from being used for improving the performance of the healthcare systems on the global scale for the benefit of the patient/client so that, from the philosophy point of view, they may rather be referred to as the “diseasecare systems” for they are mostly focused on the patients and diseases.
PPPM brings the new vision (or we may say it gets back to the ancient vision of complex point of view on health) of taking care about the individual’s health all the time in order not to get ill. Thus, philosophically, we may distinguish between two basic and complementary systems, this is Disease-oriented healthcare and Health-oriented healthcare. While in the first system the fundamental institution is hospital where medicine can be regarded to as “Reactive medicine” in the later it will be the PPPM centre where the medicine is “predictive, preventive, and personalized”.

State-of-the-art in PPPM

Since 2009 a series of professional “position papers” has been published in the EPMA Journal focusing on the visions, recommendations and solutions of the problems in the healthcare. One of the proposed practical actions in implementing PPPM was building an innovative, international center for PPPM under the EPMA umbrella.
The PPPM centers are envisioned as the complex healthcare facilities offering broad spectrum of health assessment services, health education, health supporting services, and health-related interdisciplinary research.
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      As outlined in our vision published in 2014, the two interacting healthcare systems, one of which is disease-oriented and the other one is health-oriented, can contribute to the better quality of healthcare and improve the health of any particular individual, be it the patient, the person with suboptimal health status or, ideally, truly healthy person. Thus, in the long term, improving the overall quality of life in the whole society.

After a full scale onset, these centers will provide valuable knowledge and practical experience for relevant governmental institutions which can consequently use it for significant improvements in the system of healthcare of the respective countries, and beyond, should there be the will.
Fully functional PPPM center represents a qualitative leap in healthcare, and, in the long term, it has potential to significantly reduce healthcare costs through early prediction that is built on comprehensive, computer-assisted processing of reliable data acquired by complex analysis of health influencing factors, various materials, thus facilitating significant decline in health deterioration of each individual interested. This paradigm shift from reactive medicine to advanced PPPM and its constituent parts such as innovative technologies, new economic models, an optimized professional level and expert contingent, will ensure the success of the healthcare system following PPPM concepts and its recommendations. All the constituents of this system are scientifically established, elaborated in detail and published by leading experts of the EPMA, a global leader in the field of PPPM.

More PPPM Highlights

In the following blocks we highlight the most important ideas, visions, and opinions that can be traced in the published articles on PPPM and its further practical development.
  • Basic Categories of Health Influencing Factors
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          Basically, as we have previously published, factors influencing health can be categorized into four fundamental groups according to their prevailing nature, this is chemical, physical, biological and psychological (psychosocial) factors. Each of this factor can be internal or external and can have either positive, health supporting effect, or negative, health undermining effect, consequently leading to the development of a pathology.
  • Complex Analysis of Health Influencing Factors
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          Using the synergies in of the most recent medical, analytical, and IT technologies, it is the role of PPPM Centre to analyze, at the reasonable costs, the influence of the factors affecting health of an individual client of the Centre and under the active supervision and constant interaction with the leading experts in PPPM and other fields of expertise.
  • Health Assessment and Personalized Predictive Report
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          The spectrum of factors and materials to be analyzed is very broad but, as mentioned above, four fundamental factors are defined- chemical, biological, physical, and psychosocial. Through the complex “prism” of engaged technologies, the experts in PPPM Centre prepare a complex and clear predictive report suggesting particular preventive actions for maintaining client’s health in order to help the client to avoid deterioration of health for as long as possible, or, if a developing pathology is found, suggest the visit of the particular medical professionals.
  • PPPM Centres
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          The PPPM centres, as the pilot cornerstones of PPPM health-oriented healthcare, will provide unique services in the field of predictive diagnostics using algorithms developed by leading experts in their respective fields such as oncology, cardiovascular diseases, neurologic diseases, diabetes, nutrition, sport medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, laboratory medicine, imaging techniques, information technologies, physics, mathematics, natural science and other fields of expertise related directly or indirectly to our health and also to the “health” of our environment.
    The four basic tasks of PPPM Centre are the following:
    • Health assessment and predictive diagnostics
      Using the analytical methods of in the fields of laboratory medicine such as clinical biochemistry, hematology, microbiology, immunology, genetics (in vitro diagnostics), together with imaging methods such as USG, ECG, RTG, CT, MRI, and other physical examinations of the person/patient (in vivo diagnostics) and in concert with analyzing important health-influencing factors in the environment, food, water, society, and other, we gather data and with the help of our international expertise and innovative computer models and AI-driven analytical tools (in silico diagnostics) we prepare health report containing particular person-specific predictions and concrete preventive measures or recommendations.
    • Health supporting and maintaining services
      These services include all activities which help to support and maintain client's health, be it nutrition, relax, sport, culture, music, social contacts, nature, truism, shopping, beauty & cosmetics procedures, or other activities that client may find attractive. The region of Liptov and the adjacent regions, and the whole territory of Slovakia in fact offers unforgettable experience and a positive stimulus for health. Basically, most of these services can be characterized as “medical travel”.
    • Health education of the population and medical professionals
      One of the essential tasks of PPPM Centre is increasing so called “health literacy” by the way of person-tailored health education. For this task the Centre will be organizing regular health-oriented lectures providing people with the reliable, evidence based scientific knowledge and practical advices for health support and health maintenance. The Centre also becomes a platform for international cooperation and knowledge sharing via organization of the congresses and symposia. An inevitable role in education is client-friendly web site and regular publication activities in health-related journals and books.
    • Health related research in the field of PPPM
      The Centre will be the basis for coordinated international and interdisciplinary research with focus on health support and maintenance, assessment of the factors influencing health in both, negative and positive ways, discovery of efficient predictive markers, pre-symptomatic patient stratification, preventive procedures and novel state-of-the-art personalized therapy in synergistic effect with the evidence based traditional therapeutic procedures of alternative medicine(s) worldwide.
  • Getting the Visions in PPPM even Further
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          Adaptation of the first given vision of the PPPM concept presented in 2009 by V. Costigliola, P. Gahan and O. Golubnitschaja [Golubnitschaja, O. (ed.) (2009). Predictive Diagnostics and Personalized Treatment: Dream or Reality, Nova Publishers, New York, 1-3] where the authors describe the situation in current healthcare (“A”) in which the quality of life decreases over time and therapy is applied only after the appearance of the symptoms in order to somehow stabilize the quality of life. In situation “B” the desirable healthcare is described in which, thanks to the early predictive diagnostics and targeted preventive actions, the decrease in the quality of life over time and the appearance of the symptoms is prevented and the quality of life can even increase.
    Now, almost 10 years later, we feel that we should expand the vision further and add the “C”, and even “D” situations to this figure where in the “C” situation, the quality of life will remain stable through the life time since the day of birth, thanks to the predictive and health-oriented healthcare, with an episodic, short term decrease in the quality of life, and in the “D” situation the quality of life, thanks to the well-coordinated and health-dedicated interdisciplinary research, adequate health supporting services, and effective health education and health literacy, will start to increase since the day of birth and never drops under the line of “appearance of symptoms”.
    Such a level of healthcare will, of course, require systematic reforms in all aspects of the current civilization, including the changes in the mind of the people and, if ever possible, will take quite some time. Nonetheless, we at PPPM Centre, together with our partners, feel that the journey towards better future of healthcare starts with this small step, the practical application of PPPM in the real life.
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Introduction of PPPM