Health Education

PPPM Centre

Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine Centre

Health Education: Shared Study Materials

      From the health support point of view, increasing “health literacy” became one of the essential tasks of our Centre. It is hardly debatable that if we want to support health of any individual person, be it a client or a suffering patient, we have to ensure that the person is adequately educated in taking care about his/her own health. Surprisingly, a serious health education does not seem to be in the main focus of the professional institutions despite the obvious fact that this activity alone can positively contribute to sustainable healthcare systems around the world. For this task, and as an addition to the person-tailored health education and counselling, the Centre will be organizing regular health-oriented lectures providing people, and professionals as well, with the reliable, evidence based scientific knowledge and practical advices for health support and health maintenance. The Centre also becomes a platform for international cooperation and knowledge sharing via organization of the congresses and symposia. An inevitable role in education is client-friendly web site and regular publication activities in health-related journals and books. Thus, at this section of our web, we publish selected scientific presentations, popular health-related presentations, articles, books, interviews, recommendations and links to other health-dedicated web sites, which we find reliable, educative and in an agreement with the complex philosophy in PPPM.

Famous Quotes

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    One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine
    William Osler (1849-1919)
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    "Variability is the law of life, and as no two faces are the same, so no two bodies are alike, and no two individuals react alike and behave alike under the abnormal conditions which we know as disease”
    William Osler (1849-1919)

Resources for Medical Professionals

Book Series the whole series of Advances in PPPM represents a valuable education material for all professionals who want to be informed about  the results and potential practical application of the research in the field of PPPM.
Book Series

Advances in PPPM

Go to books web
The EPMA Journal is the leading journal in PPPM with impact factor 3.9 by Clarivate Analytics. It publishes both-open access articles, which are available for free download, as well as articles in the pay-per-view mode.
EPMA Journal

The leading journal

Go to journal web
The Pilot Book The pilot book on PPPM, which covers diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, information technologies in medicine, and ethical issues related to predictive medicine.
Pilot Book

Predictive diagnostics and personalized treatment

Public Presentations

Here we publish our original lectures, presentations, and other materials which we find useful for spreading the knowlege about health-related issues and gradually increasing health literacy.
Presentation from EPMA World Congress, Brussels (Belgium) 2013 in English.
Presentation from Labkvalita. Štrbské Pleso 2013 available in Slovak language .
Health Education